Knee Pain - Phase II
Total cost: $29.99

Knee Pain - Phase II

4 Weeks / 5 days a week

Why Purchase

Have you ever walked onto a track or into training center and see runners/ athletes aggressively foam rolling or stretching prior to training or running on the treadmill? There is a high probability that they are dealing with some sort of knee pain… most likely runner’s knee.

Since the biomechanics of running include more than just the muscles surrounding your knee, your treatment must cover your entire lower extremity. As an athlete/runner, many people forget the importance of the mobility and stability in your hip. If this fails or fatigues at any point during your competition/run, the compression forces may increase at your knee joint. This may cause a change in your mechanics causing inflammation and leading to pain. This plan is meant to strengthen your lower extremity, decrease your knee pain, and progress you towards your return to sport.

*This does not constitute medical advice. If you have pain or injury please consult a medical profession in person*

Knee Pain - Phase II
Total cost: $29.99